Wandering Birch Lemongrass Bar Soap


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Product Details

Lemongrass Bar Soap

Made with pure Lemongrass essential oil, dried Lemongrass stalks, green and yellow mica powder for color, and our unique balance of soaping oils (including Olive, Sunflower, Coconut, and Sustainable Palm Oil), this bar soap is hands-down of the top fan favorites.

The chemical makeup of Lemongrass essential oil includes the constituents geranial and neral, which are aldehydes. Typically, aldehydes are known for their distinctly potent fragrances, which is evident in the case of Lemongrass essential oil. Aldehydes have many functions within essential oils, including the ability to cleanse surfaces. They can also lessen feelings of stress when diffused.

Lemongrass also contains purifying and toning benefits for the skin, and can be used in your skin care routine to help promote pure, toned skin. Used in tandem with our sudsy, long-lasting, and non-drying bar soap formula, this essential oils makes for a great bar of soap!